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Zen at Home Concept


More than a simple yoga class...


Invite a feeling of peace and relaxation into the comfort of your own home…

Skip all the stress and simply wait for the yoga and relaxation to come to you.


The Zen at Home Concept consists of a private yoga class tailor-made to your personal needs - whether you wish to reduce stress and/or physical pain, to enhance your body and mind balance, to connect with your inner strengths… You might also choose to treat yourself with a healthy weekly break, or learn postures and sequences while ensuring that your personal practice is safe.


Private teaching gives the time to observe with attention and to properly correct your alignment during the practice. It also gives you the opportunity and comfort to take your time to learn the postures.  


The lessons consist of a Dru Yoga class including a 15 minute deep relaxation, and are taught in English or in French.

All you need is a yoga mat, a small cushion and a blanket. (If needed everything can be provided for a small extra fee).


Thanks to the Zen at Home Concept, you have the chance to relax in the coziness of your home, and stretch that feeling as you rest in this peaceful atmosphere for as long as you wish once the class is finished.



If you live in The Hague or its surroundings, let yourself be tempted and treat yourself with a relaxing yoga class.

To enquire about your next class, go to our Contact page.





 “My yoga class is my weekly treat; I need it to establish balance between my demanding job and my busy social life!” Annie


“My little secret to lengthen the relaxed feeling after my class: I indulge myself in a warm bath.” Chantal


“Thanks to yoga I have discovered that peace is within me, when I was looking for it everywhere but there”. M.

Prices & Conditions


At Concept Yoga we teach 75 or 90 minutes classes, including the deep relaxation.


For 1 person

Trial class (75 min.) - 75€           

75 min. – 85€ per class    - Subscriptions:  5 classes: 425€ (valid 6 weeks) & 10 classes: 850€ (valid 12 weeks)

90 min. - 100€ per class     - Subscriptions:  5 classes: 500€ (valid 6 weeks) & 10 classes: 1000€ (valid 12 weeks)


For 2 persons or more

75 min. – 50€ per person per class  

90 min. – 75€ per person per class



All classes have to be paid before taking place, or on the class day.

A lesson need to be cancelled 1 week in advance, or it will be charged.

You do not need to have a room dedicated to your yoga practice, you just need

to ensure that there is enough space for the number of participants and that the

room is ready for this purpose upon the arrival of the teacher.


Chamber of Commerce registration number: 61383589

© 2024 by Concept Yoga.

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