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Zen at work Concept


One of the two major causes of absence in the workplace nowadays are stress and back pain. Anxiety, stress and pressure can affect people both physically (resulting in back pain, headaches, tiredness) and mentally (lack of motivation, depression, burn outs). When not addressed, these issues can evolve into lower performances, a negative working environment, an increase in sick leave, and can affect the overall business.

Research shows that a yoga program can be an effective intervention in a workplace to help employees improve their mood and increase resilience. Multiple research has also revealed the benefit of yoga in reducing back pain amongst other things.


So, do your employees need to release some pressure? Do you want to improve their working experience and your company corporate culture? Do you want to stimulate your employees in a different way and improve their focus and commitment?


Concept Yoga has designed different packages to address different situations, and to offer different format depending on your needs. For example:

                          Breathe away stress;

                          Relieve pain in the neck and back area;

                          Improving focus and concentration;

                          Strengthening leadership and self-confidence;

                          And more…


The format of these packages can vary from a one time workshop to address a specific topic, to regular sessions at the workplace and finally individual consultation for specific staff.


Your employees are your best asset. Taking good care of them makes you a responsible employer.


Please contact us for a full presentation of these packages and research results, and to discuss and assess your situation. All packages are then tailored to meet your needs.

Chamber of Commerce registration number: 61383589

© 2024 by Concept Yoga.

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